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Welcome to Carry the Cross 5k (CTC5k)! We hope our site is providing you with all of your Knoxville-area needs. By using our websites, servers, or content within, you agree to these Terms of Use, which the most recent update was June, 2016. LICENSING. If you are over the age of 18, we (CTC5k) will grant you access to a limited license to access CTC5k which will be in complete compliance with the CTC5K Terms of Use. Limited licensure includes/but not limited to the following: revocation, inexclusive, unassignable, non-sublicensable. If you are not licensed to be on this site then you are considered to be an unauthorized party. By making postings, listings and using our (CTC5K) site directory, You agree not to license, sell or distribute,make derivative works, display, sell, or "frame" content from KnoxSpot, excluding content you create and sharing with friends/family. By entering our site and performing any/all of the CTC5K features, You hereby grant CTC5K license to use, copy, perform, display, distribute, and make derivative works from content you post that will be un-revocable, unlimited, fully paid/sublicensable. USE. In using our site, you agree to not use any type of software to extract, prohibit or harm information on CTC5K site (this does not include general usage for web browsing and/or emailing). This type of prohibited software does, however include, but not limited to robots, spiders, scrapers, scripters, or downloaders. You also agree to not retrieve CTC5K posters contact information for other business use. Violators will be punished to the full extent of the law. POSTINGS &LISTINGS-CTC5K Discretion. You agree that CTC5K will act only and soley as a linking party for your listings/postings and the public to view. You agree to allow any/all CTC5K personnel to access to your postings and understand that we have the sole discretion to block, filter, delete, omit, verify/ confirm any material that may be considered to be fraudulent, misleading, negatively manipulative, violent, or offensive to the masses  in efforts to achieve a rich and positive web experience for all who enter our site. SALES. If you are a business who is purchasing ad space on CTC5K, you give us the permission to automatically draft your account for the duration of the agreed upon time and US Dollar +Tax amount by both you (business rep) and CTC5K. You also understand that upon entering into a financial agreement with CTC5K, there on no refunds, even for posts that we may have to move due to vulgarity. Therefore, any/all sales are final to the extent permitted by law. DISCLAIMER. We are in support of all state and federal laws concerning criminal acts. We are also in support with the laws that have been put in place to protect both contracting party and the consumer. Therefore, nothing herein will waive those protective rights and responsibilities. You understand and agree that CTC5K makes no guarantees as to the listing/posting timeliness, property, securities, warranties and/or reliability. You understand that this site is considered to be ‘AS IS’ and ‘AS AVAILABLE’. By entering this site, you enter at your own risk. Therefore, by the extent permitted by the law, we are not responsible for any damages, harms, thefts, or any other shortcomings that the consumer may experience from accessing CTC5K. CTC5K also disclaims any guarantees, warrantees, conditions set by the companies who post listings/ ads anywhere on our site. You, the site user, accepts the risks of any/all merchandise, coupons, and ads set by the contracting party. OTHER CLAIMS. You agree (1) any claim, cause of action or dispute ("Claim") arising out of or related to the Terms of Use or your CTC5K use is governed by Tennessee law regardless of your location or any conflict or choice of law principle; (2) Claims must be resolved exclusively by state or federal court in Knoxville, TN (except we may seek injunctive remedy anywhere); (3) to submit to personal jurisdiction of said courts; (4) any Claim must be filed by 1 year after it arose or be forever barred; (5) not to bring or take part in a class action against CTC5K Entities; (6) (except government agencies) to indemnify CTC5K Entities for any damage, loss, and expense (e.g. legal fees) arising from claims related to your CL use; (7) you are liable for TOU breaches by affiliates (e.g. marketers) paid by you, directly or indirectly (e.g. through an affiliate network). MISC.Users complying with prior written licenses may access CTC5K thereby until authorization is terminated. Otherwise, this is the exclusive and entire agreement between us. If a Terms of Use term is unenforceable, other terms are unaffected. If TOU translations conflict with the English version, English controls. See Privacy Policy for how we collect, use and share data.  Once you are finished reading this page, please exit out and click the box next to 'I agree' in order for your free posting/listing to be final.

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Copyright (C) 2023 K.I.C.M.A All rights reserved

KICMA (Knoxville Interdenominational Christian Ministerial Alliance)

P.O. Box 14551, Knoxville, TN 37914

Privacy Policy  I  Terms of Use

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